The 7.0 release of JBoss AS is designed around a brand new kernel, which is now
based on two main projects:

JBoss Modules: This handles class loading of resources in the container. You
can think about JBoss Modules as a thin bootstrap wrapper for executing an
application in a modular environment.

Modular Service Container (MSC): This one provides a way to install,
uninstall, and manage services used by a container. MSC further enables
resources injection into services and dependency management between

basic architecture of the new application server kernel:
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Exploring the application server:Application servers is basically divided into
two core parts:
1.Standalone servers
2.Domain servers.

key points regarding to Domain concept:
*Concept of domain server is not new in market but it is new to JBOSS AS
*The main responsibility of Jboss servers in Domain mode is to manage and coordinate a set of instances of the application server.

A Basic Directory Structure flow of JBOSS  AS 7 infrastructure

Bin folder contains:
standalone.sh   --> for standalone configuration
domain.sh   --> for Domain mode configuration
jboss-admin.sh ---> new intractive command line  interface.

Docs folder Contains:
it contain the licence and Schema folders it contains licence.xml file and  other one contains configuration related like .xsd files

Domain Folder Contains:
1.Configuration Folder Contains:
*Domain.xml which contains all services which are
used by the nodes of the domain. It also configures the socket-binding interfaces
for all services.
*Host.xml which is used to define the management aspects of the domain.
*Logging.properties which are used to define the logging format of the bootstrap process.

2.Content folder is used as a repository to store deployed modules.
3.Lib folder hosts the sub-folder ext, which is there to support Java SE/EE style

Loading application server modules
• Using a static file system
• Using direct JAR execution

Static module loading from the file system
(I) static file system
a module definition contains two main elements: the resources defined in the module (and their path) and the module dependencies the module name can be listed on the command line, and the standard static main(String[]) method in the named module's main-class will be loaded and executed
java -jar jboss-modules.jar -mp "%JBOSS_HOME%\modules" org.jboss.as.standalone

(II)  direct JAR execution
When the module is executed as a JAR file you just need to provide the name of your application module, which is packed in JAR file, and it will be picked up by JBoss modules
java -jar jboss-modules.jar -jar your-app.jar

          ----:Configuring the Application Server:---

server configuration follows a tree-like structure
The application server contains a list of basic modules, called extensions, which are shared by all of its services.it is used to extend the functionalities of the application server.
The application server detects that a module is an extension by scanning into the META_INF/services folder of the library. Modules that are qualified as Extensions contain in the META_INF/services folder a placeholder file named org.jboss.as.controller.Extension. This file simply declares the name of the Extension. For example, for the EJB3 subsystem, it will contain org.jboss.as.ejb3.subsystem.

You can find the definition of paths that can be defined as logical names for file system paths.
<path name="log.dir" path="mylogdir" relative-to=

Management interfaces:
Management channels include a CLI and a web-based administration console. The native CLI interface, by default, runs on port 9999, while the web console is bound on port 9990

profile is a collection of subsystems and each subsystem contains a subset of functionalities used by the application server.

Note :The big difference between Standalone and Domain configuration is
*Standalone contain a single profile having differrent configuration
*Domain configuration contain multiple profile and multiple configurations


The interfaces section contains the network interfaces/IP addresses or host names
By default, the standalone application server defines two available network interfaces: the management and the public interface
*The public network interface is intended to be used for the application server
core services
*The management network interface is referenced by the AS management interfaces
network interfaces resolve, by default, to the loop back address

Socket binding groups :
this section,you are able to configure the network ports,which will be open and listening for
incoming connections

System properties
This section contains a set of system-wide properties, which can be added to the
application server as part of the booting process.

Each time a new application is deployed or un-deployed, this section is updated to reflect the new application stack

Configuring core subsystems

The core application server subsystems:
• The Thread Pool subsystem:This section contains the below configurations

            • Thread factory configuration
            • Bounded Threads configuration
            • Unbounded Threads configuration
            • Queueless Thread Pool configuration
            • Scheduled Thread configuration

The following image summarizes the whole process, showing how all the pieces
fit together


Unbounded Thread Pool:

Queueless Thread Pool

 Scheduled Thread Pool

Configuring the application server logging

• The JBoss Logging subsystem

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